Our vast range of foamex boards makes it easy to get exactly what you need! We also offer a variety of sizes and shapes for your foamex boards.

Shop by Style

Custom Shape Foamex Boards

Custom Foamex

Create your own custom size and shape foamex signs. 

3mm Foamex Boards

3mm Foamex

Lightweight and easy to transport. Ideal to use for wall-mounted displays.

5mm Foamex Board

5mm Foamex

Flexible, versitile and hardwearing. Use for Health & Safety signs and life-size cut outs.

10mm Foamex Boards

10mm Foamex

Hard wearing and strong – perfect for hoardings, external signage and exhibitions. 

Coloured Foamex

Coloured Foamex

Reduce the amount of print required and opt for coloured foamboard. 

Foamex Hoarding

Foamex Hoarding

Advertise your company branding. Ideal for both indoor and outdoor use. 

Foamex Signage

Foamex Signage

Create signage to suit your business – from fire safety to food hygiene. 

Shell Scheme Foamex

Shell Scheme Foamex

Create an exhibition stand that is noticed from afar. Available in 2 set sizes. 

Why Custom Printed Signs?

Printed display boards are a fantastic choice for businesses looking for a high-quality and versatile advertising solution. One of the main benefits of foamex boards is their ability to print custom signs with high-quality, vibrant colours that are sure to grab the attention of potential customers. These signs are ideal for a wide range of applications, including as a PVC sign board, custom printed signs, or advertising boards for shops. The lightweight and durable nature of foamex boards also makes them an excellent choice for printed display boards, which can be easily transported and mounted for events and exhibitions. Whether you’re promoting a sale or showcasing a new product, foamex boards are a versatile and cost-effective way to get your message across.

A foam board sign is also an ideal choice for businesses looking for a long-lasting and durable business sign board. The material used in foam board sign production is incredibly durable, ensuring that your sign will stand up to the elements and last for years to come. Additionally, foamex boards are easy to install and can be mounted on a variety of surfaces, making them a popular choice for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re looking for an indoor or outdoor advertising solution, foamex boards are a reliable and effective choice for all your signage needs.

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